Hi, Regards, Prerak T. Desai

Created by Prerak Desai milkbugdoctor
Thanks a lot for the explanation. It makes sense. Regards, Prerak T. Desai
Thanks so much. I found another post that explains what happened with these samples: https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn2580853/discussion/threadId=11022 Specifically, the data contributor said "they are associated with a small fraction of pools that failed due to various technical reasons (wet lab and/or sequencing center). We aimed to release all raw data "as is" so we included them in the data release." So it sounds like you should ignore these files. Hopefully that helps, Jaclyn
We have been trying to work with the fastq files deposited in https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn57373409. Samples seem to have been sequenced across two lanes but for 12 samples FASTQ files for one of the lanes is virtually empty. Would be possible to make sure that this is not a file upload issue Here are the details of the samples affected: NPSAD_20201019_C # only one run available NPSAD_20201021_A # both runs affected NPSAD_20201022_A NPSAD_20201013_A NPSAD_20201028_A NPSAD_20201029_A NPSAD_20201030_A NPSAD_20201104_C NPSAD_20201015_C NPSAD_20201027_C NPSAD_20201028_C NPSAD_20201029_C Appreciate your help on this Regards, Prerak T. Desai
Hello, Can you please provide some more detail about your issues so I know how to best help you? Thank you, Jaclyn

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