Hello Could you please direct me to the metadata associated with the files located at syn9884314? The file Banner_TMTquantitation_assay_metadata.csv (syn51110874) appears to use different specimen labels than those found in the raw file names. Thank you.

Created by Ching Thong Choo chingthong
Hi Anna, I can't speak to the naming conventions that were used for the raw data, but perhaps @nseyfried from the Levey lab at Emory can help answer your question. Best, Jessica
Hi Jessica Based on the metadata files you have provided, it appears that the naming convention of the data differs from that of the raw data (syn9884314). Could you please help me understand this discrepancy? Thank you. Best, Anna
Hi, There are three metadata files located at the bottom of syn9884314: syn22272659, syn22272661, and syn22272660 Please let me know if those metadata files don't work for you and I can investigate further. Best, Jessica

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