Hi all, I am analysing the ROS.MAP RNA-seq data. I have downloaded the bam files (n=639) but I was hoping I could get the Md5 sums to ensure that the files didn't get corrupted while downloading? Best.

Created by Javier Simón-Sánchez simonsanchezj
Each file in Synapse has an MD5 attached. Which client are you using? It's similar in either, so I'll show in Python: ``` import synapseclient syn = synapseclient.login() myfile = syn.get("syn123456789", downloadFile=False) # Use downloadFile=False to prevent re-download print myfile.md5 ``` To get all of them, you would need to use the table query on this table (syn11346063) that lists all of the released files in AMP-AD - this [link](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11346063/tables/query/eyJzcWwiOiJTRUxFQ1QgKiBGUk9NIHN5bjExMzQ2MDYzIFdIRVJFICggKCBcImFzc2F5XCIgPSAncm5hU2VxJyApIEFORCAoIFwic3R1ZHlcIiA9ICdST1NNQVAnICkgQU5EICggXCJmaWxlRm9ybWF0XCIgPSAnYmFtJyApICkiLCAiaW5jbHVkZUVudGl0eUV0YWciOnRydWUsICJpc0NvbnNpc3RlbnQiOnRydWUsICJvZmZzZXQiOjAsICJsaW1pdCI6MjV9) will take you to that query: You can do it in the client like: ``` res = syn.tableQuery("SELECT * FROM syn11346063 WHERE ( ( assay = 'rnaSeq' ) AND ( study = 'ROSMAP' ) AND ( fileFormat = 'bam' ) )") df = res.asDataFrame() # Requires pandas to be installed def get_info(synId): x = syn.get(x, downloadFile=False) return dict(id=x.id, name=x.name, md5=x.md5) md5s = map(get_info, df.id) ```

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