!Synapse:syn8546009 @jaeddy @yooree This file appears to be truncated. Can someone please confirm? Thanks, Ellen

Created by eatsai
We have confirmed that this file was truncated. We do not plan on regenerating the file as part of this set, but will be providing a new set of files aligned to GRCh38 in an upcoming data release. If you have not done so already, please join the @AMPADDataReleaseUpdates team for direct notices about data releases
Any updates on this issue?
We are actively looking into this now. Apologies for the delay. Ben
Has there been any update to this? I run into the same problem.
@yooree @eatsai When running samtools sort on this file, we get this error: ``` "[W::bam_hdr_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated" "[E::bgzf_read] Read block operation failed with error -1 after 4 of 34 bytes" "[main_samview] truncated file." ``` Either the (a) file is somehow truncated or incomplete (a real error) (b) file is from a tool not writing this EOF marker (perhaps a very old samtools?) see: Since the other bam files do not get this error, it could be the file is actually truncated.
Hi @eatsai , I'll take a look into it. Can you share the details of what you were doing with the file(s) when you discovered that they were truncated? Thank you!

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