I have just downloaded the Genotype imputed file ' amp-ad_rosmap_rush-broad_affymetrixgenechip6_imputed_chr11.dosage' when I use the head comand on this it appears that there are no sample names on an rsID and nubmers on the first column. How do I match these back to the patient ID? Thank you for your help. Ashley

Created by Ashley Heinson Ashley_Heinson
Hi, Is there an info file available for 'ROSMAP imputed dosage chop_Illumina' or 'AMP-AD_ROSMAP_Rush-Broad_AffymetrixGenechip6_Imputed' dosage files? I am tryingto use an Rsq limit to choose the SNPs for my analysis.
Thanks @Mette for directing me to [syn7769936](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7769936), which is under the raw directory.
@habilzare we will follow up with the data provider
@sieberts Hi Solveig, What about the files in the "ROSMAP imputed dosage chop_Illumina" subfolder? Is there a fam file for the files corresponding to batch 2 files in this subfolder? Thanks, Habil.
Ashley- The values in this table are [dosages](https://www.biostars.org/p/75689/#98336). Solly
Dear Solveig, Thank you for getting back to me. As I am new to genotyping could you please tell me what the score (values) is in the file 'amp-ad_rosmap_rush-broad_affymetrixgenechip6_imputed_chr11.dosage' and its enterpretation? Thank you. Ashley
Ashley- The samples in the .dosage files are ordered according to the fam file (see [Plink documentation](https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink2/formats#fam) for details about this file. The first 3 columns are the variant ID and the two alleles. The remaining columns are dosages ordered according to the fam file. I hope that helps. Solveig
Dear Sieberts, Thank you so much for your speedy reply. I am sorry though I don't understand how to link the columns of the genotype file to the fam file? Do I transpose the rows of the fam file to become the header of the genotype file? Starting from the first row with the genotype ID ( this row: PT-BZLM MAP67531158 0 0 0 0) for each chromosome? I guess I am asking how do I link the fam file to each chomosome file? Sorry if this is really obvious and I am missing something. Thank you for your help. Ashley
Ashley- [AMP-AD_ROSMAP_Rush-Broad_AffymetrixGenechip6_Imputed.fam](syn5879839) is the fam file corresponding to each of the dosage files in that folder.

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