Hello, I'm JUHYUN :) Actually, I have question about MSBB WGS data. I know that WGS data is so inefficient to load all data, so we need to selectively pick the desired information. I want to see the WGS data to find specific SNP information. but, I could not find which R function is suitable my situation. Could you possible to recommend which I use R function? thank you

Hi @JUHYUNP, Do you have the file you are interested in working with? If yes, see Biostars [How to get SNP identifiers from VCF file](https://www.biostars.org/p/300169/). As Synapse does not currently support partial downloads, please see the Synapse User Guide - [Files and Versioning](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/files_and_versioning.html) to see how to download files.

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