Dear Mette, I downloaded the imputed vcf-files of the ROSMAP project from: syn10901595 (WGS) syn11724057 (IndividualStudyAnalysis) But I also need information about the individuals, as age, gender, phenotype (Alzheimer's disease or control), which individuals are included, and the sequence of the individuals in the vcf-files. Therefore I donwloaded the genotype data in: syn3157325 (plink genotype data) syn3157329 (imputed dosage data) But the fam files include just -9 or 0 in the phenotype column. So please can you tell me, where I can find these informations described above? Thank you for your help and best regards, Markus

Created by Markus Leber mleber
Please see the ID key, clinical file and codebook here syn3157322

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