Hi there, I would like to use the ROSMAP BulkDLPFC_RNAseq #!Synapse:syn3388564 dataset for a Gene Co-expression analysis study, but FPKM calls can't be used in our methodology. I've read however that RSEM, next to a TPM measure, also produces a count table based on the estimate of the number of fragments that are derived from a given isoform or gene. And these counts can be used in our pipeline. source: https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2105-12-323 Is there a chance that this count-table still exists and is available for download? Thank you in advance for your help, Karolis

Created by Karolis Cremers KMPCremers
You may want to take a look at the gene expression data generated through the rnaSeqReprocessing study: syn9702085. This is the ROSMAP bulk DLPFC RNAseq data processed together with data from 2 other studies (MSBB and MayoRNAseq) using a common pipeline. A description of the transcript quantification can be found here: syn17010685

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