Hello, I'd like to verify whether sex was regressed out of this dataset https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8456719 Thanks Annat

Created by Annat Haber annat22
Hi @annat22, That would definitely be clearer, we are working on another version of the normalization software currently which will incorporate this. In the current generation the line: ```Using following covariates in the final model: Batch, Sex, RINcontinuous, PCT_CODING_BASES, PCT_INTERGENIC_BASES, pmi, PCT_INTRONIC_BASES, age_death as fixed effects``` Indicates model covariates.
Thanks! That's helpful. It would be good to have the covariates explicitly listed here https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8456629 Under the heading "Adjust data with covariates for Network Analysis" Currently it only says "Identified covariates are regressed out from the expression matrix for network analysis"
Hi @annat22 Yes, in line 422 of the [script denoted within the file provenance](https://github.com/th1vairam/ampad-DiffExp/blob/bd9766224c2d1515586c9377db7e08a6cb62bcc9/gene_level_analysis/ROSMAP_geneLevel.Rmd#L442), both Sex and Batch were selected as covariates for normalization.

ROSMAP covariates in normalized residual expression dataset page is loading…