I am using data available under rnaSeqReprocessing consortium study, and I am particularly using fastq and bam files from MayoRNASeq, ROSMAP and MSBB studies under this consortium study. I have a question regarding library prep of the samples in these studies. In the below table I tried to summarize them: RNASeq Dataset|Library Prep|Source MayoRNASeq|"TruSeq RNA Sample Prep Kit" (Non-Stranded?)|https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20818651 ROSMAP|"strand specific dUTP method" (Stranded?)|https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3388564 MSBB|"TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation Kit v2" (Non-Stranded?)|https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20801188 I indicated my comments in parentheses. It seems that ROSMAP library prep was (for sure?) stranded, both description and manual investigation of files supports that. However, I am a bit confused about other two: in data description it is only indicated that TruSeq RNA Sample Prep Kits were used for MayoRNASeq and MSBB without a further info on stranded/non-stranded status. Is it safe to assume that these were non-stranded? As far as I can see, the data supports that they are high likely to be non-stranded, but I just wanted to get a confirmation to be on the safe side. Can you please confirm this? Also, for downstream analyses, can you also please confirm if for ROSMAP "RF" tag should be used, instead of "FR" tag? (as it is based on dUTP method?). Finally, for central analyses (differential expression, gene counts, etc.) that are publicly available, was the stranded library prep status of ROSMAP RNASeq samples considered? Thanks in advance!

Created by Fahri Küçükali maegsul
Thank you @jgockley !
Hi @maegsul You are correct Mayo and MSBB RNA-Seq data is unstranded, the ROSMAP data is stranded.

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