Hello, I recently was approved for full access after submitting the data use agreement, how do I access the FASTQ files? I see on previous threads there is a data transfer group. Can they please help me with this? Thank you very much, Meaghan

Created by capa03
There is something going on with those files that appears to not have a resolution, yet. Please see [this thread](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2580853/discussion/threadId=6393) for more information.
@jhogestyn @mzhang30 @MichaelDufault @E0423240 @bradfordelmer Hi Nicole, Thank you for your help. We were able to download the temporal cortex and cerebellum files. All of the tctx files aligned perfectly, but there were 27 cerebellum files that appear to be corrupt. We tried downloading them again but had the same problem. Here is a list of the files with this problem. Can you help us resolve this? Thank you very much 1000_CER 1029_CER 1085_CER 1103_CER 1104_CER 11271_CER 11285_CER 1129_CER 11300_CER 11456_CER 11460_CER 11491_CER 11497_CER 11505_CER 1214_CER 1302_CER 142_CER 1933_CER 1934_CER 1963_CER 6821_CER 6880_CER 751_CER 785_CER 791_CER 871_CER 991_CER
I apologize; I was thinking of MSBB. The MayoRNAseq study is different from others in that the study data provided BAM files. However, these files have been reprocessed into fastq. Since the fastq are not the original files from the study, they are stored in a different area and can be [found here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8612096).
I am looking for the FASTQ files from the MayoRNAseq study-not the MSBB study. Can you show me the results of your query where you see FASTQ for MayoRNAseq? Thank you very much
There are both BAM and fastq files in [this folder](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7416949). How to download them depends on how you want to do so. We have ways to download via the website, R, or Python. Finding which files are fastq can be done in a variety of ways, as well. For example, [here is a query](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11346063/tables/query/eyJzcWwiOiJTRUxFQ1Qgc3R1ZHksIGRhdGFUeXBlLCBhc3NheSwgaWQgQVMgZmlsZV9pZCwgc3BlY2ltZW5JRCwgaW5kaXZpZHVhbElELCBkaWFnbm9zaXMsIHNleCwgY29uc29ydGl1bSBBUyBcIlByb2dyYW1cIiwgZ3JhbnQsIHNwZWNpZXMsIG9yZ2FuLCB0aXNzdWUsIGNlbGxUeXBlLCBmaWxlRm9ybWF0IEZST00gc3luMTEzNDYwNjMgV0hFUkUgKCAoIFwic3R1ZHlcIiA9ICdNU0JCJyApICkgQU5EIGZpbGVGb3JtYXQgPSAnZmFzdHEnIiwgImluY2x1ZGVFbnRpdHlFdGFnIjp0cnVlLCAiaXNDb25zaXN0ZW50Ijp0cnVlLCAib2Zmc2V0IjowLCAibGltaXQiOjI1fQ==) that has all the MSBB fastq files. There is a button for 'download options' that will allow you to add the files to a download list. When you choose to download from your download list, it will put them all in a zipped folder. In the Synapse documentation, there are articles on [getting started with downloading](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/downloading_data.html) and [downloading in bulk](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/uploading_in_bulk.html), which go over some of the various ways to download data from Synapse. If there is a specific question you have, please let me know.
Thank you for your help. I do have access to download (the lock is green). I only see count and BAM files. I did read the documentation to download files, so your saying with programming we can search, find, and download the FASTQ files even though I don't see them here? Can you give me any more specific details on how to download? Thank you
Provided that you have access to download the files (the access lock should be green on the file), you should be able to download the files. Please see the [Synapse documentation for getting started with downloading files](https://docs.synapse.org/articles/downloading_data.html).
Hi @nicole.kauer, I have accepted the terms of agreement. I am not sure if this was not done previously, but I have done it now. What are now the next steps to downloading the FASTQ files? Thank you so much for your help, Meaghan
Hi Meaghan, There is also a click-wrap agreement that needs to be accepted. One way to check that this has been done is to look at the [access terms here](https://www.synapse.org/#!AccessRequirements:ID=syn5550404&TYPE=ENTITY). The button should be green and say that the terms of use have been accepted. Please let me know if this is not the issue.

Mayo RNAseq FASTQ files page is loading…