Hi, for syn21266451, I saw the proteins with UniprotID, are there some measurements for the expression level of each protein? If so, could it relate to different individuals/patients such as relating to syn3191087 by projid? Is it possible? Thanks.

Created by xinxingwu
Thanks a lot. I understand.
There is a way to relate the TMT proteomics data to individuals. It would mean joining the TMT proteomics metadata ([syn21323404](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21323404)) to both the biospecimen metadata ([syn21323366](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21323366)) and clinical data [syn3191087](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3191087). The specimenID in the assay metadata should map to a specimenID in the biospecimen metadata, which will allow you to get the individualID. The individualID maps to the projid in the clinical data. As for expression levels of each protein, I would have to dig around the data more to find out this information.

The expression level of each protein with individual page is loading…