Hi there, I'm only interested in a subset of patients in the ROSMAP data, I have their individualIDs. Is there a way, I can know which sample IDs or syn***IDs those are mapping to? Thank you very much!

Created by Xinge Wang xingewang
@xingewang - please take a look at the [ROSMAP study through the AD portal](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage?Study=syn3219045). Select study data on the left and see the link to RNAseq files. Note the files where organ = blood. All data files are annotated with individualID and specimenIDs (export table under download options). Match those IDs up with the RNAseq assay, biospecimen and individual metadata under 'Study Metadata"

ROSMAP blood RNA seq metadata page is loading…