Hi, I am working on the imputed GWAS data of both Affymetrix and Illumina, and try to match the subjects with the demographic data I download from RADC. While the family and subject IDs are clear in the .fam file from Affymetrix, I can't figure out the IDs from Illumina. How do I map the subject ID in Illumina to the one I download from RADC? The subject ID from Affymetrix #[syn3221157](syn3221157) ROSXXXXXXXX The 8-digit numbers can be mapped to the one in RADC. However, the subject ID in Illumina [syn7769936](syn7769936) is 11ADXXXXX Thank you in advance. Hui-Wen Yang

Created by Hui-Wen Yang hyang39
Sounds good. Please check wgs too.
@bendl Thanks for bringing this back to my attention -- looks like the conversation dropped off when Nicole left a few years ago. I'll add this to our team's clean-up task list. Tagging @jmalenfant for visibility.
@nicole.kauer @abby.vanderlinden For a couple of years, the metadata has been incorrect and I see users struggling here, including myself. Why hasn't action been taken to fix this? My day was saved by the previous commenta from @Sithara85 who wrote here that SNParray identifiers should be matched against "ROSMAP_clinical" (on concatenated columns Study & projid). But it shouldn't be like that!
Hi, I have figured out we have to merge Study+projid to get the sample ID in .fam file. Thanks, Sithara
Dear Nicole, Could you help me understand how do we merge the clinical/biospecimen and snpArray metada file with the IDs in the .fam file for the imputed genotype data? The .fam file has IDs with ROS or MAP prefix but the individual ID or specimen ID in the biospecimen metadata file has on prefix R. Thank you! Sithara
Thank you for the suggestion, Hui-Wen! Glad to have been able to help.
Dear Nicole, That is super clear now. I can map all the specimens to their Project ID in the clinical data now. Thank you so much! Do you consider adding the search function so that we can search for the keywords in all the Discussions? I guess this problem might be asked before but I couldn't find a way to dig the right thread out. This is just a small suggestion. Nevertheless, the # helps, though. Hui-Wen Yang
Hi @hyang39, Mapping the specimens to the subjects requires joining three metadata files: [snpArray assay](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21314550), [biospecimen](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn21323366), and [individual (called the clinical metadata for ROSMAP)](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3191087). The snpArray assay metadata file has all the specimenIDs for that assay. The biospecimen file maps the specimenID to the individualID. The projid (the 8-digit number) is the number you are looking for. Please note that these metadata files are being cleaned and we will be posting cleaner files soon. If you join this [team](https://www.synapse.org/#!Team:3372003), you will receive a notice when we release the newest versions.

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