We are analyzing several MSBB sequence files How can we retrieve sample information from the Syn ID (e.g., syn8612345) or from the Sample identifier (e.g., hB_RNA_12345 or BM_12_345)?

Created by Richard Lathe RichardL
Are you referring to Mount Sinai Brain Bank (MSBB) Study? Please see the study page in the [AD Knowledge Portal](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage?Study=syn3159438). See the study data tab -> the metadata, and metadata overview. And, datafiles below. Select RNAseq specifically if those are the ones you are interested in. Note that you can export a table with a subset of the metadata variables that links specimenIDs and IndividualIDs to the datafiles (to the right of study data)

How to find detailed information on samples (age/gender/healthstatus/tissue/etc) from sample ID numbers? page is loading…