All: I am taking a look at the pQTL from the ROSMAP DLPFC results. For me to compare these results to other studies I need to know which allele was the counted allele when the association between SNV and protein was determined. We all have different conventions for this and it would be helpful if we included the counted allele in the data files. Thanks, Bert Klei Computational Genetics WPH-UPMC

Created by Lambertus Klei bert.klei
Hi I too am interested in the answer to this question. Which of the two alleles (REF or ALT) was used as the effect allele to compute pQTL BETA? Thanks, Tushar
@bert.klei thanks for your interest in the data . @tswingo. Can you please advice
That would be for the file with id syn24200990 Bert

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