Hi, I couldn't find any description of samples included for the the Agora proteomics DE analysis. Any suggestion? Thanks! -- Xue

Created by Xue Wang xwang14
Thank you! This is very helpful. How may I acknowledge the contributors of this proteomics data set if I use it in a manuscript? Thanks!
Hi @xwang14 This is the LFQ Proteomics data. The Data can be found here: BANNER: syn18918360 BLSA: syn18914920 Mayo: syn9637748 MSBB: syn6100414 The Metadata is here: BANNER: syn18914620 BLSA: syn18914694 Mayo: syn18914935 MSBB: syn18914936
Sure! The synID is syn18689335. Thank you!
Hi @xwang14, Could you post the synID of the DE analysis file you're referring to or the wiki of the existing proteomics analysis? Thanks, jgockley

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