Hello, The signing official at our institution (UCSF) is requiring us to complete a Material Transfer Request Form (MTRF) for DUA's/DTA?s. The MTRF requires the following fields to be completed: Outside Organization Scientific Contact Organization Name: ?? Organization Status (For-profit?, Non-profit?) Name of Scientist: ?? Phone: ?? Email: ?? Outside Organization Legal or Administrative Contact Name: ?? Title: ?? Phone: ?? Email: ?? Could the information for the fields with ?? please be provided so we can complete our lab's renewal for our data access? Thanks so much in advance

Created by toskotsky
thanks so much, @elangtest and @abby.vanderlinden !!
@toskotsky The AD Knowledge Portal is a data repository housing data generated from numerous different PIs and institutions. I want to clarify that the "outside organization scientific contact" has not generated the data being requested, and instead has oversight over data being contributed to the repository from other institutions (director of the Data Coordination Center for the AD Knowledge Portal). Outside Organization Scientific Contact Organization Name: Sage Bionetworks Organization Status (For-profit?, Non-profit?): Non-profit Name of Scientific Contact: Mette Peters, Director of SystemsBiology Data Coordination Center Phone: (206) 928-8262 Email: mette.peters@sagebase.org Outside Organization Legal or Administrative Contact Name: Diane Gary Title: VP of Business Operations Phone: (206) 928-8251 Email: diane.gary@sagebase.org
@elang Do you know what details should be used for this?

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