Hi, dear Synapse! I am quite new to GWAS analysis. I am trying to calculate polygenetic risk scores for the ROSMAP participants with PRsice2. However, PRsice 2 reads only PLINK format or BGEN format. What I have downloaded from here for the imputed file is the dosage format. I am wondering if there is a way to convert this dosage file to BGEN format. Or, if there is a BGEN format for this database available? PS. I tried using PLINK2 to convert the file to BGEN, but it seems like the resultant BGEN file does not have a correct rsID and basepair that can be matched to my association file. Thank you so much. Hui-Wen

Created by Hui-Wen Yang hyang39
Hi Hui-Wen, thanks for your patience. It sounds like you may need to look up the rsIDs -- you could try using the 1000 Genomes server or look up by location in dbSNP.
Dear Synapse, Sorry for this double reply of myself. I have a question regarding the file format of [syn3157329.](syn3157329) Hope that someone can help to answer. Thank you so much. Hui-Wen Yang
Dear Abby, Sorry that I forgot to. The synID is syn3157329. Thank you so much. Hui-Wen
Hi there, can you provide the synID of the file you are trying to convert?

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