Dear AD Knowledge Portal users, I am required to submit my proposed Synapse project to my local IRB at Tufts for approval prior to the DUC being signed and have received these questions: You will also need to provide a letter of support from Synapse OR provide screenshots from the website indicating the following: - Data will be de-identified - The study team will have no access to the key code (the list that matches the code to the subject identifiers, if one exists), - Data/specimens being used in this study were previously collected with Informed Consent (if applicable) and the use is within the scope of the original ICF. A copy of the original ICF may be requested for confirmation. Does anyone know where I can locate documentation to prove this? Thanks in advance! Christine Lary (Maine Medical Center/Tufts University Medical Center)

Created by Christine Lary christine_lary
Hi @christine_lary - I just replied to your question via email. Please let me know if you need anything else!

compliance documentation for my IRB page is loading…