Hi, about syn21126462, There is a variable dcfdx_lv in clinical.csv, but there is no information about dcfdx_bl variable. I'd like to know the patient's clinical diagnosis of cognitive status in baseline(initial visit), can I get information(dcfdx_bl) related to this? Thank you.

Created by minju
Oh I see, I misunderstood the question. We don't have dcfdx_bl values in the ROSMAP clinical metadata hosted in the AD portal, but you can contact the [Rush Alzheimer?s Disease Center](https://www.radc.rush.edu/) to request additional phenotype data on ROSMAP donors. I hope that helps! Abby
Thank you for your reply! I want to ask if dcfdx_bl is available in ROSMAP? If so, where can I find the information?
Hi there, You can use the [ROSMAP clinical codebook](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn3191090) to look up the definitions for these variables. In this case, "dcfdx_lv" is the the clinical cognitive diagnosis score at the last valid visit.

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