Hi there, When adding a new collaborator to an existing DUC, it is said that we should "Upload an updated DUC signed by the new team member". What if the table of collaborators (on page 3) is already full in the old DUC? Thank you!

Created by Chang Su changSU
Hi @elang and @abby.vanderlinden , Piggybacking on this topic, our DUC is up for expiration/renewal but we are choosing to resubmit for logistic reasons. We are trying to submit a DUC with all investigators/collaborators from the same institution, several of which are out on leave. 1. It sounds like we can submit an initial DUC form, then add team members as they return to work? 2. I'm curious, roughly how long does it typically take to review a DUC? Thanks, Chris
@changSU Either you can attach the v6 signature page to v7 if all the requesters have acknowledged and agree to the v7 terms, or you can collect new signatures directly on the DUC v7. Please let me know if you have any further questions!
Thanks so much elang and abby for your help!! We do have the v6 version and we will need to update it to v7. Does it mean that all collaborators, PI and the school signing official should sign the new v7 form again? Your help is greatly appreicated!
@changeSU please feel free to add additional collaborators underneath the table on the DUC, or duplicate the table page to give yourself more space. Also please note that we require v7 or v7.1 of the DUC. If you are using an older version of that, please ensure you update your template (new template is here https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25441378).
@elang Can you advise on this question?

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