The corresponding BAMs for these two samples indicate they underwent paired end sequencing. I could convert the BAMs to fastqs, however, this is not ideal as the BAMs seem to exclude unaligned reads (if I recall correctly, the STAR aligner's default behaviour may be to omit unaligned reads from outputted SAM/BAM). Thank you for your help.

Created by Rached Alkallas ralkallas
Thank you, @ryaxley
Thank you for letting us about the missing read files. I will check with the team directly and will follow up here. Rich Yaxley
Here are the files in question and their respective synapse IDs 624H_R1.fastq.gz syn18779118 624C_R1.fastq.gz syn18778997 map_624H_star_mm10Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam syn18777981 map_624C_star_mm10Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam syn18777219

Read 2 fastq files are missing for UCI_5XFAD mouse samples 624C and 624H page is loading…