Hi there, I am trying to use syn16780177. However I didn't find any phenotype data information. Is there any phenotype data available for this scRNA data set (e.g. gender, brain region, diagnosis, apoe, or more simply just the ROSMAP IDs)? I can guess from the sample name but will be better if we have phenotype data. Thanks, Xiaojia

Created by Xiaojia Tang tangxj98
Hi @tangxj98, I'm glad you found the ROSMAP metadata. If you go to the [ROSMAP study page](https://adknowledgeportal.synapse.org/Explore/Studies/DetailsPage?Study=syn3219045) on the AD Portal website and click the "Study Details" tab, you will see a list of all the metadata files for this study, which you can filter by type. Let me know if you have any other question!
Okay. I found it in one of the metadata files (syn21323366). Although I will suggest to link or put this the meta data to the page of syn16780177 to save troubles.

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