Some of the hdf files available at [syn26273710](syn26273710) are not present in the SEA-AD_assay_snRNAseq_metadata.csv file at [syn31454453](syn31454453). Similarly couldn't find hdf files for some of the specimenID in the metadata file. Is there any missing information in the metadata?

Created by Sumiti Sandhu sumitisandhu
Hi there, thank you for your patience! Sage has our annual site closure the first week of August so I apologize for the delay. Please check my [response to the similar question in this thread](!Synapse:syn2580853/discussion/threadId=9489&replyId=28135) and let me know if that helps -- if not I'm happy to answer any other questions you have!

Mapping hdf files to assay metadata page is loading…