Hello, I'm trying to navigate to the correct folder to request access. I am looking for BDNF gene expression measured in DLPFC from ROS and RMAP. How can I see the contents to make sure I'm in the right place?

Created by Sanaz Dabiri Sanaz.Dabiri
The module assignments were made downstream of the Gene Expression analysis, so the Gene Expression source files do not contain module assignment information. The analysis folders for the ROSMAP study that contain network information can be found in syn21311380.
Yes, I see that the module ID for BDNF is 106 but I don't see the module ID anywhere else in the Gene Expression folder of ROSMAP.
Are you saying that you are not able to find a matching Ensembl ID for BDNF in any of the files?
Thank you so much! I now have access but I can't find BDNF anywhere in the gene expression files. Is there a map or data dictionary for gene expression? I see a data dictionary for metadata.
Hi @Sanaz.Dabiri. For a summarized view of gene expression from all AMP-AD cohorts, you can view individual genes on the [Agora platform](https://agora.adknowledgeportal.org/genes/ENSG00000176697/evidence/rna).

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