Hello again, I was just wondering how do I match individual raw fastq file names (RISK_###_###_R1.fastq, RISK_###_###_R2.fastq) to individualID's (#######) or sampleIDs (i.e. ###_######) from the ROSMAP RNA-seq data set (syn21589959)? I am just a bit confused when looking at the file names to sampleID's when looking at a compiled metadata spreadsheet.. If you can please let me know an example of how to understand the naming scheme better, then that would be greatly appreciated it. Thank you! -Phoebe

Created by Phoebe Valdes prvaldes
hi, follow up question. I am trying to distinguish which synapseIDs are from which batch (1-3) but when mapping the files it seems like there are only synapse IDs for batch3? Not sure if I'm missing a file
Hi @abby.vanderlinden, Thank you for your reply back. Yes I found that page as I was exploring more the Synapse website, and Step 7 did the trick! After joining the metadata more and closely looking at the specimen ID's and individual ID's, I was able to proceed forward with using the ROSMAP data for further processing. Thank you so much! -Phoebe
Hi there, the fastq files are annotated with individualID and specimenID. This will allow you to join metadata to the files. There is more information on how to use annotations at **step 7** in these instructions: https://help.adknowledgeportal.org/apd/Use-Case-%231:-Find-and-Download-Data-Associated-With-a-Selected-Study.2426535991.html. Let me know if that helps! Abby

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