Dear Synapse community, I hope all is well. I am currently working with the Banner TMT Proteomics data, syn7170616. Although there should be 22 batches TMT data according to the "Banner_sampletraits.csv", raw data from half of 13th to 22nd batches seem to be missing. (I confirmed that 12 and half batches data are stored in this site) I was wondering if I could download all data of 22 batch? Thank you for your help in advance. Best, Yoshi

Created by yoshiaki sato y12-sato
Dear Jaclyn Thank you!! I confirmed all data had been uploaded. Best, Yoshi
Hello! All of the missing data has been uploaded and should now be available here:!Synapse:syn9884314 Please let us know if anything is still missing. Jaclyn
Dear Mr. Jaclyn Thank you for your prompt confirmation of the missing data. I appreciate it very much. Please let me know when all data is available. Best, Yoshi
Hello, You are correct, the data seems to be missing! We are reaching out to the data contributors to see if we can get the full data. We will let you know if we are able to obtain it. Thank you for alerting us to this! -Jaclyn

Some Banner TMT Proteomics raw data seem to be missing page is loading…