Hi, Is the numbering system used for these samples is the same as that of the hg19? I get the sequences according to the bed file through bedtools, but found many unmatched nucleotides. For example, for the mutation "chr18:42456670C>CTCTT" of sample UniPD_2348_01. I found that mutation should be on the gene SETBP1 (AMPL7154375056, chr18: 42456461~42456784), but based on the sequence from hg19 the reference at position 42456670 should be A rather than C. I tried to add or minus 1 on the positions as sometimes the starting index is 0 rather than 1, but then there would be other errors. Therefore, could you please help solve this problem? Thank you!

Created by Shaowen Zhu ShaowenZ

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