Dear BraTS team, Thanks for your amazing work in making data available for all participants. Is everything okay regarding the header information of MRI images, and the corresponding ground truth of the subject 'BraTS2021_00495'? When I visualize MRI images along with the ground truth, it seems the ground truth is in a displaced location for me. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks

Created by Saruar Alam saruarlive
Hi. Thank you for your reply. If we encounter other similar cases we will let you know. Best regards.
Hi @redder, Can you try downloading the corrected case file now? You should have access. Hi @DZ_BTS_kermi, I don't think there are other similar cases, but if you find other issues, please let us know. Thank you, @trberg
Indeed, we have also seen this problem. MRI scans do not match the ground truth image. Thank you for solving this problem. Are there other similar cases in this dataset?
Hi @trberg , As noted in the data description part, the Case 00495 should be replaced with a recently released one. However, the access for this file is still blocked in the download list. Is there any step to finish before getting this corrected case? Many thanks!
Hi @saruarlive, We've released a corrected version of [case 00495](!Synapse:syn25985996) that you can download and replace in your training data. Thank you again for catching this and bringing it to our attention. @trberg
Hi @saruarlive, We are still investigating this issue but we should have an update relatively soon. Thank you
Dear BraTS team, Any update about the subject 'BraTS2021_00495'?
Hi @saruarlive, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We are currently looking into this.
Indeed this case need a correction from the BraTS team. Thank you for pointing it out.

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