Hello, I usually use matlab for radiomic features extractions. the task 2 is a kaggle competition, so please can I do features extraction in matlab and upload prediction results to kaggle by using csv file? or I need to do a programming in kaggle which is more based on python? Thanks!

Created by Lina Chato LinaUNLV
hi @ujjwalbaid , thank you so much for your reply. I will post it at Kaggle! However, I believe it is better (if it is possible is possible!) the BraTS challenge ask the organizer of the task 2 to use any programming language for BraTS teams only as the BraTS challenge does not have any limitations to use a specific programming language .
Hi @LinaUNLV and @waliafarzana, Can you please post this in the discussion thread at Kaggle? (https://www.kaggle.com/c/rsna-miccai-brain-tumor-radiogenomic-classification/discussion)
Hello, did you find any answer, actually I am also doing feature extraction using MATLAB code, can we do that and upload the results in kaggle.

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