Hi, I hope i did not miss any update as I was expecting the validation data to be released today but can't find it. Moreover, are the validation results to be uploaded in the form of segmented nifti files? Regards

Created by Sajid Bhat bhatsajid
Thanks a lot.
Yes, we are expecting nifti files for the validation results. The full instructions can be found [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/612109). You should be submitting a zipped archive or tarball of zipped nifti files. Thank you, @trberg
Thank you for your reply. I would also appreciate your feedback regarding the validation results format. Do we need to upload segmented scans as nifti files for the validation results (i.e. similar to the groundtruth in the training data)? Regards
Hi @bhatsajid, You didn't miss any updates, we are cleaning up some final details and will send out an email when the validation data is available for download. Thank you, @trberg

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