Hello, I have coded my work in MATLAB and And I did the task of segmentation of tumor glioma. Do I have to run 1250 patients on my gpu1080Ti system and send it via Docker? Is this correct, that is, there is no platform limitation in what programming language it is, and I only have to submit my results?

Created by Fereshteh Khodadadi fereshteh94
Hi @uran, I believe I mentioned this in a different thread, but I don't have permission to view your screenshot. Can you change the sharing permissions on the image to public? Thank you, Tim
Hi @trberg I am glad to know that there are no limiitations for what program language is used for generatiing the docker image. Would you let me know if it is okay for the case of MATLAB to generate the docker image later, as it is my first time of trying docker container? May I ask your another favour? I tried to submit my first segmentation result (from MATLAB) of validation data after uploading files (as instructed), but failed to complete the submission. As observed in the screenshot, I could not find an appropriate command (which was expected to appear!). ${imageLink?synapseId=syn26024596&align=None&scale=100&responsive=true&altText=} I look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks. Cheers
Hi @trberg Thank you, so I train a model with 1250 patients and then test the validation phase data on my model and send the segmentation files the way you said? And another question, must my model be trained on all 1250 images of patients or can I use fewer patients due to GPU limitations? Do I have to train three models for the three sub-region in question? Each for a region, for example, enhancing tumor of a model, Tumor core of a model, and the whole tumor of a model? Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi @fereshteh94, For this validation phase, you don't have to submit your segmentation files through a docker container, you can just submit your segmentation files as a tarball ([submission instructions](#!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/612109)). There are no limitations for what language you used for this phase. When you submit your docker container for your final submission (after Aug 20), there are no limitations for what programming language is used as long as it can run in a docker container. Hope this helps! @trberg

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