Dear BraTS Team I've submitted several validation results to the leaderboard, but after a couple of hours, the submission status of the results is RECEIVED and nothing shows in Prediction File Status and Log Folder. I don't know whether this is a data issue on my side or server issue. Can you please assist me with this error? Thanks Haoran! [submissions](

Created by Haoran Wang hr_wang
@ujjwalbaid Thank you!
I feel like there should be a limit to the number of uploads a participant could make. Otherwise, it might lead to long delays for the results to appear in the leaderboard. Alternatively, each participant could be given a round robin turn for each submission, when the server is evaluating the results, in case he/she has made multiple submissions. Regards
Hi, The 'RECEIVED' status means your submission is received and currently in the queue for evaluation.

Submission status RECEIVED page is loading…