Our team members are registered for the challenge as individuals, but we are not showing as being associated with the same team. What steps do we need to take to be on the same team? I believe that we all entered the same team name when registering for the challenge. Thank you in advance for your help!

Created by Cailyn Craven cailync
Dear @cailync , Sorry for the delay in getting this handled. After looking into your issue further, it seems that the team, Rocky, has never been created, as it is not a unique name in our database. Please use a new name when creating a team, e.g. Rocky2021. Afterward, you may invite your team members to this team, as well as register it to the challenge. Following this, you can all then submit to the challenge as a team. Many apologies for this inconvenience!
The team name is Rocky. When I try to create a new team, it says that name is already in the challenge. However, searching doesn't bring anything up for that team. I believe my team members entered this team name when we were registering for the challenge.
Dear @cailync , Thank you for participating! To best help you, what is your team name? Has the team been [registered for the challenge](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/611497)? Let us know!

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