Dear Admin, Just received an email regarding the submission limit of 3 pieces per day. Do my submissions whose status is received since the 8th need to be resubmitted again? submission id: 9713520, 9713521, 9713593 ( date: 8/8/2021) 9713808, 9713813 (date : 8/10/2021) Thanks for your help

Created by Agus Subhan Akbar agussa
@agussa -- Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I double-checked and the submissions should now be populated in [your dashboard](!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/611499). Please let me know if you are still experiencing issues.
Dear @vchung , according to your guide I have resubmitted 3 prediction files (from 5-fold) by selecting the new Brats Task, but when I checked the submission dashboard menu there were no new items like before. Are there any steps left behind? thank you.
Dear @agussa , Great question! All RECEIVED submissions dated before August 10th will not be evaluated. Please resubmit any predictions you would like to be evaluated. We apologize for any inconveniences that this may bring. And thank you for your understanding and patience as we try to make the submission process as seamless and fair as possible!

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