Firstly, thank you for your tireless work on getting everything up and running, I understand it must not be easy. Though I have some concerns, Firstly, submission was not possible for almost 2- 3 days, which takes out atleast 10% of the validation timeline. This can be quite abit of time taken off and is a roadblock for everyone invovled. Secondly, the rules have changed from unlimited submissions to only 3 a day after 10 days of the competition, this means the people who started early have quite advantage as they were able to tune their model much faster by mass-submitting compared to anyone now. This might generate an unfair advantage. I would suggest if possible, to ask for an extension in the submission deadline perhaps by 2-3 days to 22 or 23rd August 2021. I would also be interested in your views and views of other participants. Thank you again!

Created by Har Shwinder Singh hssingh
Hello everyone ( @hssingh, @Virendra , @kondratevakate ), Thank you for voicing your concerns! We are going to be extending the short paper submission deadline to August 23 at 10am Eastern Standard. We will be accepting segmentation file submissions until August 22nd at 23:59, but we can't guarantee that your submissions will be finished scoring in time for your papers, so please get your submissions in by the 20th or 21st to give them time to score so you can include those results in your short papers. Thank you! @trberg
Dear all, we will ask for a reasonable extension as well. As we sent two packages on the 6th and just yesterday, we understand they were CLOSED (packages 9713692 and 9713610) and not scored in a queue as promised after the error was revealed. So we lost a minimum of three days of competition and standing in the next queue to see the result we get on the 6th (today is the 11th) - for us, the delay is five days. Thanks for consideration
valid question.
Thank you very much!
Hi @hssingh, Thank you for voicing your concerns. I'll bring up these topics at our next organizer meeting and then get back to you with our decisions.

Change of rules and submission delays potentially unfair : Participants and Moderators please try voice your own views too page is loading…