Dear organizers, I receive the same result (Dice score, Hausdorff distance,...) in each case in the validation phase. I have already checked these zip files and found that they were totally different. Is there any mistake in your system, or how can I double-check which zip files I submitted with respect to the score? Thank you.

Created by Quan Dung Pham pqdung
Hi @pqdung, We've solved this issue, you should be able to see the leaderboard now. Thanks!
@trberg Thank you very much. One more question I want to ask is about the leaderboard. I can't see it now ("No content")
Hi @pqdung, We've added a `Submission` column to the Submission dashboard that contains the entity ID (aka file ID) that should let you link the submission to the submitted zipped archive. Let me know if you are able to confirm that the different zipped archives are in fact different with the same score being returned. Thank you! @trberg

All of my recent submissions have the same result? page is loading…