Hi, I've found that some images have negative values and as far as I know MRI volumes should be non-negative. The nagative values are not necessarily on the background (looks they are in random places). Here is a list with examples that have negative values: training set: BraTS2021_00446 BraTS2021_00479 BraTS2021_00540 BraTS2021_00584 BraTS2021_01021 BraTS2021_01163 BraTS2021_01332 BraTS2021_01548 BraTS2021_01551 BraTS2021_01644 BraTS2021_01655 validation set: BraTS2021_00467 BraTS2021_01771 Could you please let me know if those examples are broken? Thanks!

Created by mfnv
Hi @mfnv, We are looking into these different files. Thank you! @trberg

Broken images in the dataset page is loading…