Hi everyone, I'm finding the instructions for creating the Docker submission a little vague. Specifically, I'm not sure how inputs and outputs are specified / should be handled by our Docker container. The Wiki says to accept "\--input" as a parameter, but also that the files will be mounted to /input/ in the container. When submitting my container I get an error saying that the parameter "--input_file" is not defined. This leaves me a little confused to what exactly we're supposed to do here. Has anyone gotten their Docker container to a valid submission state and can clear up my confusion? Thanks in advance!

Created by Johannes Roth johannesroth
Hi @vchung , Just to make sure, because i didn't participate in segmentation challenge last year. is --input-dir will contain: ``` id_t1.nii.gz id_t1ce.nii.gz id_t2.nii.gz id_flair.nii.gz ``` or will contain: ``` id / id_t1.nii.gz id_t1ce.nii.gz id_t2.nii.gz id_flair.nii.gz ``` Thank you.
Hi @agussa , Great question. Similar to last year, your submitted model is expected to predict for one case only -- we will handle mounting the list of case folders for you.
Hi @vchung , is "--input-dir" a folder that contains all the .nii.gz files? so we have to process one by one with loop? thanks.
Hi @giemmecci , An example Dockerfile that is set up for Python would be: ```dockerfile # Use Python 3.9.6 with minimal packages installed. # This is a size-saving alternative to using python:3.9.6 as the base image. FROM python:3.9.6-slim-buster # Install additional libraries if needed RUN pip install ... # Copy files and scripts needed to run the model. # Enable execution permissions for the script(s). COPY run_model.py /usr/local/bin/. RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/run_model.py # Run the Python script upon starting the Docker container. ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/usr/local/bin/run_model.py"] ``` where **run_model.py** could look something like this: ```python import os import argparse def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--input_dir", type=str, default="/input") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output_dir", type=str, default="/output") return parser.parse_args() def model(parent): with open(os.path.join(parent, "00001_t1.nii.gz")) as img: results = "..." return results def main(): args = get_args() results = model(args.input_dir) with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "00001.nii.gz"), "w") as out: out.write(results) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` Hope this helps!
Hi @deepX , Not sure if you have been receiving our email notifications, but just in case -- the queue for Docker submissions will open on Sept. 1st and will close on Sept. 15th.
Hi @trberg , would it be possible to have the instructions for the Docker submission showing an example with a Python script? Thanks
hi @trberg , would you please let us know when is the deadline for docker submission? Thanks.
Hi @johannesroth, I've updated the [docker submission instructions](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/611500) with new, and hopefully clearer instructions. Let me know if anything is still unclear or vague. Thank you, @trberg
Hi @johannesroth, Apologies, the instructions are vague. I'll be updating them soon to hopefully clarify them for this challenge. I'll let you know when that is complete. Thank you, Tim

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