Dear sir, My submission number is 9714483. I have moved the origin as you said. Could you please tell me where is the problem? and why it takes such a long time to wait. Did I do something wrong? Best, Zhixiang

Created by ZhixiangWang
Hi @ZhixiangWang, Please check the imaging data description for more details about the labels:!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/610865 Could you please elaborate on this question "what is the right size of the label? WHC or CWH" The size/dimension of the segmentation/label file is 240x240x155 (Rows, Columns, Slices)
Hi, I want to ask what is the right size of the label? W*H*C or C*W*H And the label for the peritumoral edema (ED ? label 2),GD-enhancing tumor (ET ? label 4),the necrotic and non-enhancing tumor core (NCR/NET ? label 1).It is that right?
Dear @ZhixiangWang, For submission 9714483, there is a size mismatch between your predictions and the references. We apologize for the wait -- the average evaluation time is about 1.5-2 hours, so depending on where you stand in queue, it may take some time for you to receive your results.

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