My submission ID 9714539 has encountered an error during evaluation. Any insight into this issue and how I can fix it would be appreciated.

Created by Nathan Gruenhagen ngruenha
Thank you, yes it seems my input size was incorrect. Thank you so much for this!
Hi @ngruenha, Please make sure your submission is of the same size as the input i.e. 240x240x155. Also please make sure the origin of the segmentations at [0.-239,0]. You can verify this by visualizing your prediction in CaPTk (
I see what I am doing wrong. I have a padding transformation in my algorithm that changes the 240x240x155 to 240x240x160 to optimize its use for my neural network. So all of my predictions are 240x240x160. I'm assuming they should be 240x240x155, correct? I will work to fix this in my algorithm and get the outputs to the correct size. Thank you so much for your help!
Hi @ngruenha, Could you please share what is the size of the prediction which you are submitting for evaluation? May I know how you got the 240 x 240 x 160 size which you mentioned in previous message?
@ngruenha , The error received during scoring is as follows: ``` Size mismatch at dimension '2' ``` This error is observed for every comparison in your submission. @ujjwalbaid can elucidate further if needed.
Or is it that my image size is 240 x 240 x 160?
Or do you mean file size? I had not compressed my tar file to a gz file, so maybe that was the issue?
Could you be more specific by what you mean by size mismatch? Are the predictions of each file in my tar submission containing less classification categories than what is expected?
Dear @ngruenha , Your submission, 9714539, cannot properly be scored due there being a size mismatch between your predictions and the references. Hope this helps!

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