My submission (ID: 9714690) has encountered an error during scoring. Can someone please give more information regarding this error. Thanks!

Created by Shaista Hussain AIseg
Thank you! This is helpful..
Hi @Shaista, Only one file (.nii.gz) per subject of dimention 240x240x155 is to be submitted with labels [0,1,2,4]
Dear @vchung, Thank you for your reply. Can you please help me confirm if 3 different binary segmentation files are to be submitted (for ET, TC and WT) or 1 multi-class file? Thanks for your help!
Dear @Shaista and team, Your submission, 9714690, cannot be properly scored as there is a dimensional and size mismatch between your predictions and the references: ``` Image Dimension mismatch. Return image is expected to be '3'D and doesn't match the image dimension read from the input file, which is '4'. Size mismatch at dimension '0' ``` Hope this helps!

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