Dear Participants, Please make note of the following points when you are submitting the manuscript on the CMT portal. 1. Detailed submission instructions can be found at:!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/611501 2. The submission template can be downloaded in word/latex format from: 3. Don't forget to upload the **signed** copyright form with appropriate details along with the manuscript which can be downloaded from: A. Title of Book: BrainLes 2021 B. Volume Editors: Alessandro Crimi, Spyridon Bakas 4. The manuscript must have Abstract, Appropriate keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements(if any), References. Please make sure to include references mentioned on the Challenge Data page in the "**Conditions for Use**" section:!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/610865 5. Log in to CMT portal for submission: 6. Once you click on create a new submission, please choose **BraTS: Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge** 7. Fill up the appropriate information (Synapse ID and submission ID) Best wishes, Ujjwal (on behalf of the organizing committee)

Created by Ujjwal Baid ujjwalbaid
Dear Participants, We are verifying your submission and will get back to you if further information is needed.
Hi @ujjwalbaid, I have uploaded the copyright form and manuscript and with the paper's id: 155. I would appreciate it if you could verify this submission meets the specifications. Thank you.
HI @ujjwalbaid , I've created a submission (paper ID 125); I'm sending the same information to; could you please confirm that the submission is in the appropriate format? Thanks
Hi @agussa, We received your submission and it is in the appropriate format. We will get back to you if anything else is required from your end.
Hi @ujjwalbaid , I have uploaded the copyright form and manuscript and drop an email to with the paper's id: 32. Please verify the submission if it does meet the specified requirements. Thanks
Hi @giemmecci, Once you upload the copyright form and manuscript, please reach out to with your paper ID and we should be able to verify this.
Yes, that's what happens while filing the form, but then after saving it, the font size goes back to normal, and in Adobe, the only way to see the full list is by clicking on a '+' sign that will allow scrolling the text. The same PDF opened with Preview on macOS shows the behavior you described, with the font size decreasing. I want to make sure you can access the correct information. Thanks
Hi @giemmecci, I am not sure if I understood your comment "plus sign that allows you to scroll to the end of the text" This is what I observe - When you edit the copyright form with log titles and author list, the font size decreases.
Hi, when filling the copyright form, the authors' list, as well as the title, go over the limits of the form space, so when opening the PDF file in Acrobat, there is a 'plus' sign that allows you to scroll to the end of the text. Is this ok? Thanks
Hi @karu123, The short papers can have author details.
Could you please clarify if the short paper can have the author names or this should be of double blind style? I am unable to find this specific information in the instructions for writing the short paper.

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