My submission (ID: 9714801) has encountered an error during scoring. Please help to provide information about the error. Thanks!

Created by Shaista Hussain AIseg
Thanks a lot for the help! I will resubmit using these instructions.
Hi @Shaista, We checked your submission files. The origin of the MR data and segmentation files is at [0,-239,0] in the dataset provided for the challenge. The segmentation files you submitted have the origin at [0,0,0]. Please make sure the origin of the segmentations at [0.-239,0]. You can verify this by visualizing your prediction in CaPTk ( This can be addressed by copying the header information of segmentation from the training cohort when you save predictions of the validation cohort.
Thanks @vchung , can you please elaborate. I am not sure what went wrong.
Dear @Shaista and team, Your submission, 9714801, cannot be properly scored as there is a directional mismatch between your predictions and the references: ``` Direction mismatch > 0% at location '[0,0]' of direction matrix. ``` Hope this helps!

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