My submission (ID: 9714926) has encountered an error during scoring. Please help to provide information about the error. Thanks! error: Not all files in the archive are NIfTI files (*.nii.gz). Not all filenames in the archive end with a case ID (*{5-digit ID}.nii.gz).

Created by Hung Yeh penguin
@penguin , I checked submission 9715027, and it is a list of directories rather than a list of NIfTI files. The validation error is the result of the inner NIfTI files not ending with a case ID, e.g. BraTS2021_00001_**flair**.nii.gz. If it helps, an example of a successful submission would be: ```bash BraTS_DREAM_Challenge_WWW9 ???? BraTS2021_00001.nii.gz ???? BraTS2021_00013.nii.gz ???? BraTS2021_00015.nii.gz ... ```
Dear @ujjwalbaid , I confirmed that the submitted labels are following the official training data, but the problem still occurs: Not all filenames in the archive end with a case ID (*{5-digit ID}.nii.gz). submitted id:9715027
Hi @penguin, Please refer to the segmentation files provided for every subject in the training dataset with [0,1,2,4] labels. The predictions for the validation dataset would also follow the same pattern.
Dear @vchung , How do I include all four image prediction results in the same NIfTI file? I included the four predictions in a folder called ID.nii and compressed them with gzip into an ID.nii.gz file.
@penguin , Hm, it looks like the new validation error is that the files cannot be opened as NIfTI files. Can you ensure that your predictions are NIfTI files?
Dear @vchung , Thanks you! I followed your reply to fix the error, but it still invalid.(ID: 9714965)
Dear @penguin , In opening the tarball that was submitted, we found a mixture of directories and JSON files, hence the given error. The workflow is expecting a list of *.nii.gz files, in which each file must end with a 5-digit ID number, e.g. ``` BraTS2021_00001.nii.gz ``` Hope this helps!

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