Hello dear organizer Send me this ID 9714490, give me such a message, thank you for your help. "Hello DeepNet, Your submission (ID: 9714990) has encountered an error during scoring. Please ask a Challenge Organizer for more information regarding your submission, using Submission ID 9714990 as a reference number. " Thanks in advance

Created by Fereshteh Khodadadi fereshteh94
@fereshteh94 , Yes, that email is to be expected -- it is simply notifying you and your team that the submission is now undergoing evaluation. Once the evaluation is complete, you should receive another email with the scores, or, if it has encountered an issue, then an email with those issues. If it helps, I checked in on submission 9715062 and it looks like it is scored and accepted!
Hello,@vchung I edited my file to this ID 9715062, I have just received this message" Your submission (submission ID 9715062) is in progress. Log files produced while your workflow is running will be periodically uploaded here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn26120636 Further notification will be provided when it is complete.". Will a new email be sent to me if the evaluation is done? I want to make sure there is no problem, thank you for letting me know
Hi@vchung Thanks for your help, I will try to edit.
@fereshteh94 , [This post](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/discussion/threadId=8282&replyId=25493) may help in providing more insight.
Dear @fereshteh94 and team. Submission 9714990 cannot be properly scored due to a mismatch of origin between your predictions and the references: ``` Origin mismatch > 100%' in axis '1'. ``` Hope this helps!