Hi, I tried submitting the validation .zip file for my group (4RIL), but when submitting the .zip file for scoring, I was only allowed for submit as individual instead of "submit as part of a team". I just wanted to check to see if the submission (ID: 9715145) went through for the entire team (4RIL), and the segmentations are also in the 4RIL Dream project files tab as well. Thanks!

Created by Benjamin Yan Interion
@ujjwalbaid Please let us know if the instructions about registration are out. As on CMT we are four authors and here I registered as individual which is not allowing me to submit results for evaluation and I am creating team which has all the members but again it is not allowing me to submit the results.
We will get back to you with the exact registration instructions by September 3, Friday.
@ShuLab I have the same problem.
@vchung I submitted my validation results as an individual, but my paper has two authors when it was submitted to CMT. Is it okay? I also got the email from CMT today saying that authors need to be registered by September 15th, but it does not make it clear that what to register. Could you please clarify it? Thank you!
Thanks @vchung it went through
@Interion , My apologies, can you try again?
@vchung I get the same issue for @Interion when trying to submit for the competition, it says "has a conflicting submission". Can you please fix this as soon as possible? Thanks
Hello, It says that I can't add myself as a contributor since I have a conflicting submission. Should I delete the original segmentation files since in the dashboard, it says that all the current submission are closed--and then re-upload the .zip and then submit? Thanks!
@giemmecci , @Interion -- Thank you, I have closed your submissions. Please resubmit, and let me know if you encounter any additional issues.
Thanks, @vchung ; I've registered the 4RIL team to the challenge, and I can confirm you we'd like to have @Interion submitting as part of the Team, thank you
@Interion , Let me know if you would like to proceed, and I will handle the closing asap! Also, please ensure your team, 4RIL, is registered for the challenge. You can do so [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/611497), under Step 2.
Hi @Interion , I just checked on your submissions; submission 9715145 is currently under your name only. The reason you were not allowed a team submission is that you had previously submitted as an individual earlier. As stated under **How to Participate**: Once you have submitted as a Team, you may not submit as an individual and vice versa. We can mend this by closing your earlier submissions, and thereafter, you may resubmit as a Team.

Submitted for Team Clarification page is loading…