We see the FROM command in the Dockerfile is recommended using Ubuntu. And the Model example shows an R script. So can we use Matlab script on Windows instead of Ubuntu?

Created by Han Wang tonywang001
Thanks? And if we want to test the Docker container, can we use command like 'docker run -it --rm IMAGE_NAME /bin/bash -c 'sh /home/bash.sh'?
Your Docker container should run using the command on the docker tutorial page. You should have a script that will serve as an entry point when the container is run.
When we submit our Docker Image, do we need to add a document to explain how to run the program? Thanks.
Thanks a lot!
I think we can make that work.
Maybe 12 or 13GB, is that OK?
Hi @tonywang001, Technically no, but obviously try and keep the container to a reasonable size. In the past, we limited the container sizes to 8 Gb, but I'd say if you stay under 11 Gb that should be fine. Do you know what size your container is going to be?
Thanks? We also want to know is there a limit to the size of Docker containers?
So historically, we haven't allowed Matlab docker images as submissions due to the licensing barriers. However, since this isn't an official DREAM challenge, Matlab is allowed in this challenge. This means though, that we don't have ready-made Matlab Docker images unfortunately.
I also want to know if you have a ready-made Matlab Docker Image, if so, can you tell me how to install the related package on it?
Hi @tonywang001, I don't have an example on hand, however, I did find this [github repo](https://github.com/mathworks-ref-arch/matlab-dockerfile) that has an example matlab docker file with some instructions. Hopefully this will help you get started! Let us know if you have other questions.
Can you provide an example of Dockerfile with Matlab script on Windows? Thanks!
Hi @tonywang001, Absolutely! Feel free to deviate as far from the example as you'd like. So long as you can take in the testing data and output segmentation files, there aren't really any restrictions on what your Docker container is using.

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