Dear Organizers, I have received the following email. "we are finalizing the review process and you will receive notification soon. In the meantime we want to inform you that main MICCAI gave us the limit of September 15th for the authors to be registered. After that even if the paper is accepted we cannot include you in the program. Please register by this date." Can you please clarify which registration is required? is it MICCAI main conference or satellite event (Brats) ?

Created by Kamlesh Pawar kamleshp
Hi @johannesroth, Apologize for the confusion. The email that you are referring to was for those who submitted manuscripts for the BrainLes workshop and not the BraTS challenge. Since the BraTS challenge is part of the BrainLes workshop at MICCAI all the participants (BrainLes+BraTS) received this email from CMT. This email was not for the BraTS challenge participants. Kindly ignore this email. I hope this is clear now.
@ujjwalbaid I'm sorry, but I still feel there is some need for clarification. I'll try to be more specific about my questions. We received the following email regarding the review process for our paper submissions: "Dear Authors, we are finalizing the review process and you will receive notification soon. In the meantime we want to inform you that main MICCAI gave us the limit of September 15th for the authors to be registered. After that even if the paper is accepted we cannot include you in the program. Please register by this date. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Alex & Spyros" Here it seems to be the case that for the inclusion of our **submitted papers** into the **MICCAI program** "the authors" have to be registered for **MICCAI**. The discussion thread you mentioned (!Synapse:syn25829067/discussion/threadId=8358) is about the presentation of our methods as a **poster** during the **MICCAI Satellite event**. It says that to be able to present our poster, the person presenting the poster has to be registered to the satellite event. My questions are about the **paper submission** to the **BrainLes workshop proceedings**, which the email seems to refer to (although I might be wrong assuming that "include you in the program" means "include the paper submission into the proceedings"): 1. For our paper to be included into the proceedings, do the authors have to register for MICCAI? 2. If yes, do all authors have to register, or is it enough for the person submitting the paper (first author) to be registered? 3. If yes, do the authors have to be registered to the complete conference or only to the satellite event? Thanks in advance!
Hi, Please check the details here:!Synapse:syn25829067/discussion/threadId=8358
This would interest me too, @ujjwalbaid Also, do all authors have to be registered, or only the author that submitted the paper?

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